.. Transplant documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Thu Nov 29 13:20:41 2018. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. .. include:: ../README.rst API Documentation ================= To start Matlab, instantiate an instance of: .. autoclass:: transplant.Matlab .. automethod:: transplant.Matlab.__getattr__ .. automethod:: transplant.Matlab.exit Any function you call on a :class:`Matlab` object will be executed in the Matlab process. Any property you access on a :class:`Matlab` object will access the Matlab variable of the same name. Proxy Objects ------------- Matlab objects are returned as: .. class:: transplant.MatlabProxyObject() A Proxy for an object that extists in Matlab. All property accesses and function calls are executed on the Matlab object in Matlab. .. automethod:: transplant.MatlabProxyObject.__getattr__ .. method:: MatlabProxyObject.__doc__ Documentation is only fetched on demand (for performance reasons). Proxy Functions --------------- Matlab functions are returned as: .. autoclass:: transplant.MatlabFunction .. automethod:: transplant.MatlabFunction.__call__ .. method:: MatlabFunction.__doc__ Documentation is only fetched on demand (for performance reasons). Matlab Structs -------------- By default, ``dict`` are translated as ``containers.Map``. If you want them to be translated to ``struct``, wrap them in a :class:`MatlabStruct` object: .. autoclass:: transplant.MatlabStruct Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`